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Finding Your Happiness

Calm Woman

It can be so discouraging to know something is missing and not knowing how to change it. I use different methods and tools for healing and clearing out the past emotions that still have an effect on your life. One of the emotional clearing methods I have found to be extremely effective is EFT tapping, this is easy to do with me and we begin to quickly peel the layers away that have been causing pain. I use other emotional healing modalities as I feel they would be most effective for your individual needs. Everything about my coaching is customized for you. What your specific needs are as we move through your healing and growing process. 

I will give you meditations and visualizations to rewrite the programs running in your subconscious that are no longer true or never were true. Your young mind created a whole world of beliefs that are running around in your subconscious that hold you in belief patterns. As we grow older we tend to add or block the information that comes in according to these beliefs created years ago. It’s difficult to change the way we react to events or other people in your life but it can be done. You can take off the shoes you got when you were 5 years old and put on a new pair that fits you now. 

Sometimes prescriptions for depression may be how you have tried to solve your sadness. But you may find as you do this work you are able to reduce the medication (of course under your Doctor's direction) as you learn how to clear out the past traumas, learn to process life experiences and learn to love yourself and your life.

If you would like to have a free 30 minute introduction session with me, click the link below and we’ll find some of the old patterns you have been carrying around that no longer serve you. Even just the knowledge of them will help you to start the process to remove them.

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