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Empower Your Career

Business Meeting

I’ve had clients who are business owners, attorneys, doctors and other professionals who are financially comfortable but don't have the happiness they were expecting by this time in their lives. Some considered leaving their profession and doing something different, thinking their work must be the problem. Together we found the root cause of their dissatisfaction in their life and opened the way to a happier more satisfying life. 

The goal achievement program also helps you get the results you are wanting for that next big step in your life.

With their permission I am sharing two professional’s experiences. I worked with an attorney who left her firm to start her own practice and was learning how to run her business. However, she began experiencing emotional issues, feeling discouraged and strongly considering walking away from her work. We set the business concerns aside and focused on uncovering the emotional baggage that had been overwhelming her. By understanding the subconscious beliefs she had been carrying and releasing their power, she regained the joy she once felt in her work.

One of my clients, a Mayo-trained doctor, needed to address emotional issues and felt comfortable working with me as her life coach. Through our sessions, she released past trauma from her youth and discovered a new level of peace.

We are all susceptible to the emotional past we carry around with us and releasing this can make a powerful shift in the life we live. 

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