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Healing After Divorce

Woman in the Beach

It is so hard to move forward after divorce and especially after multiple divorces. You want to blame the other person but you know that there is responsibility that is yours also. But you don’t know what it is. This is where we can look at the patterns you continue to use in your relationships. The way you feel about yourself and your marriage. Most of your automatic responses are because of the programs you have running in the background of your mind.

You also choose your partners because of the way you see yourself, your value, and what you deserve in a relationship. I have had clients who chose their spouse because of self beliefs created when they were a child. This doesn’t serve you any more. You may be ready to do the work, look at what has been your relationship patterns and who you have been in each of your relationships.

If you are ready to begin the process to a healthier you and finding a partner that is also healthy emotionally and ready to commit to a lifetime of joy together, connect with me for a free 30 minute consultation, we can start the process and to create this new life.

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